When I was six years old, my memories connected to the Sardinian territory began. Every summer, I spent my days playing with other children at the usual campsite. Before saying goodbye and seeing each other the following year, I organized a treasure hunt that would take place the next year. We dug a hole in which we placed our treasures, creating a map of the campsite marking where we had hidden them so we could find them the following year. The Isola del Tesoro is a documentary video of a performance carried out during the first NOSTOSNUMEROZERO exhibition by the Transhumanza collective. The artist, inspired by memories, recreates a map of a possible treasure, using childhood memories as reference points, ultimately focusing on Siniscola. The primary material of the map is pane carasau, which, with its resemblance to ancient paper, evokes the story of Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. Tradition and memory connect with each other, seeking to reveal through play and metaphor the potential of this land full of treasures.
“To hell with the treasure! It’s the splendor of this sea that has turned my head.”
Treasure Island, R.L. Stevenson